A lot of good tips so far, we did most of these also. I'll add what the we did to save money.
Enlisted as many friends as we could to do things. Never underestimate what you can do in these situations. It probably cut our wedding costs in half.
Find alternative settings. We had ours in a local park in the Oakland hills. It was 1/10th of the price of every other place we looked. Sure a few other events were going on in the park that day, but we were really not bothered by anyone. We even had a few people just come to watch as they walked through the park. If you do end up using a facility find out what they charge for everything. Some places will charge you extra for
We also did the mixed CD thing, and hired a friends band to play also. Worked out great.
Rather than getting a expensive dress she would only wear once, my wife bought a vintage dress she can still wear if we go out to fancy things.
We did not have the normal wedding cake as they are way overpriced. We had someone make us a few small cakes, cookies, treats. There was much rejoicing.
- And so he says, 'I don't like the cut of your jib.' And I go I says, IT'S THE ONLY JIB I GOT, BABY! -