Originally Posted by blktour
well i was just wondering..i have a "friend" that just lost a cat of 11 years.. now she is really hurt.. and we havent been talking for about a month.. just cuz she wont talk to me... the reason she wont talk to me.. is because i wasnt there for her when her cat died.. so i understand.. so i wanted to buy her new kitten.. do u think that is a good idea.. or a bad idea..
this girl is my ex girlfriend.. and doesnt want nothing to do with me.. she wont answer my calls.. or my emails.. or anything.. i know what i did was messed up.. but i feel bad.. and i wanted to get her a new "friend".. im not telling all but if you need more info.. let me know...
i love this girl. and have been calling her everyday and leaving her messages.. aobut how much i love her.. and such things.. but i dont stalk.. haha..
so opinions please.!!!
I thought they still taught English back home. Oh well.
I'll be blunt cause it's 1:30am and I'm tired. Don't get her a cat. Because the first thing she will say is, that the cat isn't good enough and can't replace the other one. If she's not returning your phone calls or emails, then I'd pretty much move on. No point wasting your time looking like a chump by knocking at her door all the time. Make her come to you.