hey all thanks for the help.. i felt that it was a good thing or just a nice jesture....and i guess i was just blinded by the fact that i love this girl and im not ready to let go.. but at the same time i was being selfish of my own wants.. and didnt respect hers.. and with the responses that i read.. it was a slap in the face.. to let it go.. and deep down i know she wont ever call me.. so the people that say to let her call me.. well.. i will do that.. but im not expecting a call back.. i will take the advice and not buy the cat... and will leave her one last message.. to let her know that i will always be there.. for her.. and ill leave it at that.. if she doesnt call.. then she wont i guess.. its just that i wasnt ready...
but ya.. i need to "take a hint" huh?? lol
hey thanks for not beating around the bush.. and telling me like it is...
i will keep everyone updated.. if anything happens..