to buy or not to buy??
well i was just wondering..i have a "friend" that just lost a cat of 11 years.. now she is really hurt.. and we havent been talking for about a month.. just cuz she wont talk to me... the reason she wont talk to me.. is because i wasnt there for her when her cat died.. so i understand.. so i wanted to buy her new kitten.. do u think that is a good idea.. or a bad idea..
this girl is my ex girlfriend.. and doesnt want nothing to do with me.. she wont answer my calls.. or my emails.. or anything.. i know what i did was messed up.. but i feel bad.. and i wanted to get her a new "friend".. im not telling all but if you need more info.. let me know...
i love this girl. and have been calling her everyday and leaving her messages.. aobut how much i love her.. and such things.. but i dont stalk.. haha..
so opinions please.!!!