What about Lil Bit?
Lexington Will Host Its First Ever "GroundHawg's Day"
Mac Ingraham , Reporter
It's a new twist on Groundhog Day and city promotors hope it will draw just as much attention to the barbecue town as Punxsatawney Phil does for Punxsatawney, Pennsylvania.
Lexington, NC -- Groundhog Day will take on a new meaning next month in the city known for its barbecue.
That's because they're rooting for a new winter weather predictor in Lexington.
Her name is "Lil' Bit".
She's a pot bellied pig and the next in line in the list of animals who can predict the length of winter.
Or so the people of Lexington are hoping.
"Lil' Bit" will make her own prediction about either a long winter or early spring in Uptown Lexington.
And organizers expect she will help promote their city as well.
Liz Parham is the Executive Director of Uptown Lexington, Incorporated.
She says if a groundhog can do it, why not a pig?
"It's just such a natural fit quite frankly with barbecue and the fiberglass pigs we've done for the last two years. It seems like it's just next in a series of events about pigs. Who knows?"
"Lil' Bit" will make her debut prediction Wednesday, February 2nd behind city hall along what's known as "Barbecue Alley" in Uptown Lexington at 7:30 that morning.
Mmmm pork...
Absence is to love what wind is to fire. It extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great.