If 150 years is the limit then maybe. But I don't see why it's impossible to extend human life for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Granted, this isn't going to happen tomorrow or maybe not this century or millenia. But if people could live damn near forever, I can't imagine wanting to hang out here for that whole time.
And of course, that assumes that the human body will be the only vessel for containing human minds, or that robots can't do the travelling for us. There's a lot of possibilities as to how we could exert some influence in other solar systems or galaxies without actually being present.
We'll never get out of the solar system, nor should anybody even want to.
Why shouldn't we want to get out? Do you believe there be dragons out there or something? Again, it depends on our goals and needs. If we needed to get out of here to go to another system (which, if humanity survives long enough we eventually would have to due to the expansion of our sun) I'm sure we'd spend a lot of time and energy figuring a way to do it.
EDIT: Of course, when I write about humanity as "we" I mean the rich and powerful people who could afford or manage to exploit the resources of the planet and of the poor to build their spaceships. I don't have any illusions that the rich are going to share this with poor people. When the sun finally expands to engulf the earth the rich will be long gone, having left the rest of us to fend for ourselves.