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Old 01-31-2005, 05:45 PM   #9 (permalink)
Location: Florida
Also, are you sure it's a carburetor? I ask because '87 was around the time GM made the transition to throttle-body injection. It looks pretty much identical to a carbed engine (same old-fashioned round air filter, intake manifold, etc.) except there is a single fuel injector where the carb used to be.

One thing that will cause those kinds of problems regardless of carb or FI is a stuck EGR valve. It opens to let exhaust gases back into the intake (so any unburned gas can have another shot in order to reduce hydrocarbon emissions) during steady cruise, but it will make the engine buck and surge if it's still open when you jump on the gas. It won't really cause any problems if it's stuck shut aside from worse gas mileage, but a stuck-open EGR valve will also often cause the engine to run rough and/or stall when it's cold. Has that been a problem?

My '88 turbo Thunderbird used to eat spark plug wires. It'd run great until I tromped on the gas, then it'd quit accelerating and vibrate like I was running over railroad tracks. New wires always solved that problem.

I'd start out with a basic tuneup (plugs, wires, cap, rotor) since it's simple and it's probably due for one. If that doesn't do the trick then make very sure which fuel system it has and we'll go from there.
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