I think it is one story out of many. I doubt seriiously we will ever know what actually happened that day. This is the first I have heard of an automotive accident. This is a really good spin on the story from an Iraqi point of view - they had loaded her into an ambulance and were taking her back to the US when they were attacked by US troops and turned back - How would one then account for those who were buried outside of this hospital and if it were true, why were those who had been taken prisoner and were uninjured not taken back and released. One might ask why had these prisoners been separated? Wjy were they in dirrerent locations? Why was Lynch's ID found in an office in Baghdad? There are way too many whys to give a lot of credence to this report when it is as far off as it appears from all other accounts of this incident.
Life isn't always a bowl of cherries, sometimes it's more like a jar of Jalapenos --- what you say or do today might burn your ass tomorrow!!!