I lost my mother to a very sudden and unexpected death in March of 1996. I spent quite a while being very angry about how that happened. I can't imagine anything worse than losing your mother that way. To your point about things being much worse in other parts of the world...that may be true....but that's not YOUR world. I can relate to you very dearly about this. In my world I miss her every single day and it's been almost nine years. It's very true that you can't bring her back...but it's also true that you can move on and live in happiness with the great memories that you have of the time that you spent with her.
On December 20th, 2004 I buried my father. He struggled wildly for the last six years with poor health due to complications from what was supposed to be a normal "procedure". This was supposed to be a simple operation to clear a blocked artery feeding one of his kidneys. There's a long story about the series of events that unfolded during that ordeal that perhaps one day I will tell somewhere on these boards but that won't change the end of the story. He was a very proud and strong man who live the last 9 years of his life missing the woman that he was married to for 39 years.
After losing both parents in two wildly differnt ways I can tell you with 100% certainty that although my mother passed away at the young age of 58 she was definitely the lucky one. There was no pain, no suffering, no long term extended hostipal stays as he was admitted on 43 different occasions.
The ultimate irony to this is that we buried my father on the day, Dec 20th, of my mother's birth. I will miss them both for as long as I live.
What are you willing to give up in order to get what you want?