My hand shakes with anger... like Ace_O_Spades I cannot begin to defend the man that plays through death, broken everything, wife's cancer... how dare you burn a man who has done so much for football, for fans and for the pack... *shakes head*
This is unbelievably stupid. The man does not make excuses... the man is honourable and... God, this pisses me off. Farve is beyond legend. He has made two superbowl appearances with one ring and one MVP. He played a winning season with a broken thumb on his throwing hand! HIS THROWING HAND! Not only was it a winning season but he made the pro bowl. His dad died and he played the best game I have ever seen. FOR FUCKING SHAME.
He loves football... he loves his family... he loves his team. He is the only quaterback I would ever have on my team... For shame...
EX: Whats new?
ME: I officially love coffee more then you now.
EX: uh...
ME: So, not much.
Last edited by thespian86; 01-28-2005 at 01:08 PM..