Thread: Harrassment
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Old 01-28-2005, 03:24 AM   #6 (permalink)
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Quiet frankly you shoud do as Cyn said, maybe not filing a formal complaint but at least make the manegement aware of the issue. Like everybody else you have a right to a workenviroment that is at least endureable. It sounds to me like it is really getting to you and that's reason enough to alert the manegement. Not so they gives an official reprimand but so they can take it up with them unofficially and make them aware of what it is they are doing.
If it should escalate after that you should make a formal complaint.

But whatever you do don't just curl up and take it. You are human too and have the right to shoot back when someone is firing at you. (probarbly a bad metaphore but words hurt a lot so it isn't too far a reach.)
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