SG, since you've taken so many clesses, you must know then that it is always damn near impossible to diagnose yourself. I have a private Chinese medical practice and I frequently make this error (so I hired outside help). When trying to treat yourself, you may have intimate knowledge of what your body is doing (or not doing) but you have no perspective!!! Also, taking classes and seeing patients regularly are worlds apart. The experience a practitioner gains by seeing 12 people with a particular condition helps them every time someone new walks in the office with the same type of symptoms. You have only yourself to examine, not the ability to say, "oh yeah, I've seen this before. It often helps when I put them on this." If you've taken these classes, it obviously shows an interest in this type of healing, so go to someone with years of experience in treating your type of situation with lots of success. Ask your old teachers for referrals, put it out there that you want to find someone to help you. The Universe is great that way, I'm sure the right person will be put in your path. Ask lots of questions, get them to reccomend books...this could be a great learning opportunity for you as well. I really wish you the best of luck and honestly you can PM me anytime if you want to.
Believe nothing, even if I tell it to you, unless it meets with your own good common sense and experience. - Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha)