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Old 05-15-2003, 06:13 AM   #3 (permalink)
shakran's Avatar
Why in the world would you need to take a dash apart for power windows? You run the wires from the door through the speaker wire channel. Then you just tuck the wires under the dash and secure them to whatever's available with zipties. Tie it in to one of the fuses (cig. lighter fuse works well since there's rarely a big load on it) and run the return wires back the same way you ran the first set. You put the controls in the door panel, not the center console.

Your biggest problem will be that you'll now have a big ugly hole where the window crank used to be. If your saturn was available with power windows, you'll want to get the door panel from a car that had them - - then you won't have the hole and you'll have a place to mount the switches without it looking weird.

There are power window kits out there that make the job easier as they are meant to be installed without having to rivet/weld etc.

Also, once you take the door panel off, you have access to the whole inside of the door, so you'll be fine. Just be careful of the spring on the window (lotta doors have them to reduce roll-up effort) . .If that thing breaks loose, it will remove whatever appendage it hits.

Last edited by shakran; 05-15-2003 at 06:15 AM..
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