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Old 01-26-2005, 03:23 PM   #4 (permalink)
Darth Papa
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Location: Yonder
Originally Posted by Astrocloud
Okay, I bought the first season of Twin Peaks -only to discover that there is no first episode. The series starts with episode 2. I thought it was a mistake until I remembered that Fire walk with me was a prequel to the series.
Aaaaactually, it's a little more complicated than that.

While it's true that Fire Walk With Me was a prequel, there actually WAS a first episode. It was a 2-hour movie that introduced the characters and the ground situation. It was shot and shown as a pilot. In that episode, Cooper actually catches the killer and concludes the story.

It was shown in its entirety as a TV Movie in Europe, but in the US it had the last few minutes eliminated so there could be a series. Even so, it doesn't hang real well with the rest of the series--there's stuff that's out of sequence, charcters that aren't fully developed, and who contradict what you find out about them in later episodes, etc.

The reason it's not part of the DVD or VHS box set is that it's owned by a different company than the rest of the series, and is in licensing hell. lurkette and I have a old, nasty, scratchy VHS copy of it that was dubbed from somewhere I don't even remember anymore.

/ Twin Peaks Geek Threadjack. Don't even get me started about Mulholland Drive!
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