Originally Posted by lunchbox
that's the point of late-in-the-year movies. Its unfortunate that the nominators have short term memories. They look at all the movies that come out in the last half (quarter?) of the year and unless a movie is really something special, it gets no consideration if its out in the summer or spring.
I don't know if it's so much the nominators having short term memories so much as the recent trend of all the studios to wait until the very end of the year to release all the movies most likely to be critically acclaimed in hopes that it builds Oscar buzz.
I still haven't seen Sideways, but I'm also disappointed that Giamatti wasn't nominated. I'm sure I'll agree that he deserved a nomination when I finally see it. Was DiCaprio really that good in The Aviator? He really just bothers me and I can't see him being that convincing as Howard Hughes.