Originally Posted by Sargeman
I worry about some of you guys, that is the Hookem Horns sign and has been for the last hundred years or so. It didn't become a devil sign until what? the 60's?
Edit: Let me add that I don't know if any of this is correct but it serves my argument even if I did just make it up
Originally Posted by archer2371
Interesting...I didn't realize that my mom and millions of other UT grads were members of the Skull and Bones society...Oh, btw, since I heard that "Hook 'em" pisses off Norway, I do it more, just because they're being overly sensitive about a college handsign.
Another thing, my guess is that Norway rreeeaallllyyy hated the Rose Bowl, along with Michigan.
Amazing to see how important Texas thinks itself is.
Do you really think Norway pays attention to US College football?