I say, "HELL yes to gene-engineering!" I would not mind being able to walk into a Fast-Organ joint and order a new set of lungs with my hamburger (yeah I know, have to have surgery but still would be a nice concept).
And if the fast organ joint doesn't fly then how 'bout the next generation of body tatoos? Have your skin change color to what you will it, or get tiger fur and stripes, get the tail. Walk in human to this place, come out looking however the hell you wanted! I wouldnt mind changing my appearence to something I normally see. (Here's in interesting link for you if you like furry art
http://www.planetfurry.com/~guyver47/ ).
The benefits of engineering an endless supply of genetically compatible organs would revolutionize medicine. The only time that this science's moral implications outway its benefits is when you have a world like Gataca, with the genetic elite and have genoism. Then the science has been abused and twisted away from what it is intended: benefit all.