Originally Posted by Lebell
Yes, I've seen this sort of "ends justify the means" argument before.
I'm sorry, but if somebody invaded the US and I managed to stay alive and free to be a guerilla fighter, I wouldn't endanger innocents by firing from crowds, nor would I indiscriminately kill them with car bombs.
Have you seen the latest violence the "freedom fighters" are waging against the shiite majority?
So in turn I challenge you to explain to me how bombing shiite mosques and weddings is fighting to liberate Iraq?
No. I'm not saying that. The end they seek is unjust, the means they employ are horrific. I don't mean to be pissy...but i want nothing to do with an arguement that excuses such behavior by the insurgents.
But what the hell did we expect? When we decided it was a good thing to invade this country, did we expect the resistance to be conventional and obey the laws of war? No. Everything we knew should have indicated that they would fight brutally, asymetrically, and with out regard to civilian life.
We picked a fight anyways.