I can relate with longbough on #1. Growing up in suburban Maritimes it was quite a task just dating with those stereotypical ideology of racial endowments. I remember those high school rumors floating around as I usually showered last after PhysEd class and that only added fuel to the fire.
When I went to university (same city) I got trashed at a frat party. In my in and out of state conciousness I remember the girls and guys were curious of "what I was carrying". I remember the expression of that girls' face when she took a peek under the hood...LMAO...to relive that experience again.
Honestly, I was a virgin until after 1st year uni when I went to Europe for the summer. I stayed with a family friend in Roubaille (sp?) France and met a lovely Italian woman and she opened me up to the wonderful world of romance, desire and lust of the flesh.
Since then I have been with many women of different nationalities. All are different but none better than the other. My finacee is a mix of Italian, Irish, French and Scottish. She's everything to me and everything that I ever dreamed of and more...so I fart in the general direction to those that dismissed this ride...LMFAO.
All kidding aside, if it wasn't for those experiences, I wouldn't be the person that I am today, nor would have she ever have chosen me.
Thanks for reading
