Originally Posted by uptown
Hmmm... this topic really got me thinking past my knee jerk response of no, of course I'd never cheat.
I know so many people who report either non-existant or really dull, boring sex lives with their spouses. Yet, if anybody cheated there'd be hell to pay. To me it begs the question of, if you don't want or desire your spouse, why should they be forced to just sit there and quietly wither away?
It kinda reminds me of kids that have an old favorite toy that they've outgrown or have no interest in, they no longer play with the toy but they'll throw a fit if mom goes to give it to another kid to play with.
Are our spouses's like toys ? We no longer want em but we'll throw a fit if somebody else does ?
I think Uptown was onto something here, it was posted in the cheater or not to cheat thread . . .
And although i have been married awhile and our sex life is still kicking along gleefully . . . i can't help but wonder what happens after being married for a long time . ..
Can one really get tired of having sex with their SO?