Originally Posted by Karby
...no. i don't care. i'm sorry, but i just don't. i even tried to force myself to care, and it just isn't coming. so yeah. i don't.
natural disaster is one thing. it can't be controlled. predicted, but not controlled. but when one human pushes another around just for the hell of it, yeah it pisses me off more. and don't gimme that "oh it's culture based, so you should be more understanding" junk. for years the U.S did the same thing to minorities. it was the "natural order" of society. it was wrong then, and it's wrong now.
look, i'm not gonna get angry at the American government just because a tornado wipes out black communities. bit i'd be more upset if the government did little to nothing to help those victims of that hypothetical tornado, simply because they were black.
So, if half the population fell of the planet tomorrow because of a natural disater, it'd be perfectly fine with you? But let people act like they've been raised to act, and suddenly you're all up in arms? Please.
I'm not saying that that they aren't wrong for acting the way they do, I just hink you have your priorities mixed up.
There are 160,000 less people to push around in the world. You should be happy.
Originally Posted by Karby
oh, so just because i'm not faking concern makes me an ignorant souless shithead?
No, it's because you don't care at all. You can't even force yourself to care. I'm glad you aren't faking it, I just don't understand how you *don't* care.
Originally Posted by Karby
lemme ask you some questions: when millions of Rwandans died ten years as a result of genocide, did you care? did you send millions of dollars to help them? when the Sudanese government waged a campaign raping, killing, mutilating, and kidnapping and selling into slavery the southern black population of Sudan just to get them off of land that rightfully belongs to them, did you care about that too? did you help them in any way? When young children of South America are kidnapped off the street and sold into sexual slavery, do you do anything to stop it? When millions of people, mostly children, die every year of famine and preventable diseases, do you see what you can do to stop it from happening?
Yes, I care. I care about human life, because, you see, I value it. I mourn for victims of holocousts, natural disasters, terrorist acts, the victims of crime, homelessness, and average human pettines.
Do I send millions of dollars to help them? No. I don't have millions of dollars. I don't even see where this question came from. I didn't say anything about you supporting the relief effort of giving up your life saving for starving children everywhere. Give nothing at all, for all I care.
My point is not what you do or don't do to help. My point is that I get upset by people so unmoved by horrendous events.
So, yes I care, I cry, when something happens. I don't bankrupt myself to help them. I don't come up with noble prize winning idea to cease poverty and hunger worldwide. At least, I haven't yet, heh.
Originally Posted by Karby
yet, one tragedy happens, one that no one has any control over, and the victims are made the spotlight of the world, and truly, they should be.
They were the spotlight of this thread, and the reason I talked about them. It didn't occur to me to bring up milllions of other deaths, because it didn't seem to apply.
Originally Posted by Karby
but they're getting help. what about those whose tragedy has been going on for years? i didn't and still don't see anyone putting everything on hold to help them, least of all you.
Least of all me? You don't even know me, thank you. At least I care. Which is more than you can bring yourself to do, it seems.