I know a (white) girl who's chronicaly attracted to ANY non-white male. Black, hispanic, asiatic, you name it, it attracts her.. never had even a crush on ONE white guy since I've known her.
I wonder if a deep analysis of her psyche would reveal why she's like that
Maybe a love of exotism? Most guys she's been with also not only descend from foreign countries, but were born in em and immigrated recently, so they have the foreign names, the thick accents, the whole thing.. nothing amazing the first time, but when you see ALL the boyfriends she had were like that, it makes you wonder.
Personnaly, I've never dated girls that weren't white, mainly because where I live has a very poor racial diversity (Which makes me wonder how the girl mentioned above does it.. she has quite some connections), but overall, I put little mind to it. If it happens with a black girl, then so be it, if it doesn't, I won't go out of my way to "try" one.