several of my gal pals call me the kink queen for the simple fact that im the "kinkiest" person they know... do i think im kinky.... yes.. yes i do... im a person that isnt afraid to try anything... isnt ashamed of trying those thingfs and if asked about those things would be open and honest.... i get turned on by things that alot of girls wouldnt even dream of admitting they even thought about... as far as having boundries and limits... sure i have some... i think... ive yet to be presented with anything that crosses said boundries and limits but their are a few things that when i see on the web that do little for me.. but if im with some one that does enjoy this or that then i wouldnt be agaisnt trying it... some ppl define kinky as something that is outside of normal... i think normal is a relative term... it depends on who your friends are or who you are talking to... on here normal is kinky.. at my job or with my friends i am considerd super kinky