Kinky - what my hair does if I let it grow past my shoulders, on a humid day in August.
Gonna ask Rick James to help out witha definition...
She's a very kinky girl Ok, Rick, Why?
The kind you don't take home to mother Dresses like a floozy, drinks and cusses like a sailor?
She will never let your spirits down Puts out
Once you get her off the street, ow girl So, she's a hooker?
She likes the boys in the band Groupie
She says that I'm her all-time favorite bet she says that to all the boys
When I make my move to her room it's the right time
She's never hard to please But never ever fakes, right?
That girl is pretty wild now What makes her wild
The girl's a super freak What makes her a superfreak
The kind of girl you read about Has a reputation
In new-wave magazine Umm, OK
I really love to taste her She likesOral Sex performed on her
She's a very special girl Rides the short bus special?
The kind of girl you want to know because she puts out
From her head down to her toenails
Down to her feet, yeah Foot fetish, I get it
And she'll wait for me at backstage with her girlfriends bi-sexual
In a limousine Sex in a car
Going back in Chinatown Sex in strange places?
Three's not a crowd to her, she saysmenage a whatever
"Room 714, I'll be waiting" hotel sex, what's kinky about that?
When I get there she's got incense, wine and candles
It's such a freaky scene Incense to cover the marijuana, hot wax, what do yo udo with the wine?
Naw, not sure Rick was much help with the definition...
I'll go with the Supreme Court's Definition of porn, I don't know what it is -- but I'll know it if I see it.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.