Originally Posted by willravel
Out of all the advise I give, to me the most important is this: avoid a threesome like the plague. While lower society might glorify it as the ultimate acheivment, and guys mey buy you a drink of high five you for it, it is probably the worst move you can make. As someone who made the MISTAKE of having one, take it from me. While it is hot at first, most of the time girls are uncomfortable (in a mff, where some guys are uncomfortable in a mmf). Imagine that one of your hot friends who's a girl invites you to a mmf threesome. How would you feel? Uncomfortable? That's similar to the way they'll feel. What makes this fantasy so extraordinarily arousing is that it's not real. You can control it and make it exactly what you want it to be. If you don't like the way something starts to play out, you can change it or make it vanish at will. Such is not so in the case of reality. The reality of a threesome is jelousy, rivalry, insecurity, and betrayel.
Ultimately I say this because it sounds like you don't really like either of these girls. This is the kind of situation where if by some mericle of satan (involving the sale of a soul) that they do agree, and it goes badly, you won't call either of them back.
I'd say go and have fun with them and consider yourself lucky to get one of their phone numbers. 
i think the key is the girl has to be bi or curious for it to be less uncomfortable, everytime i see my old FB she is always telling me about a new ffm she had and im just like damn, where was i. Alcohol seems to be involved in a lot of those instances too so shrug