Warsaw, Poland:
As a student that has lost a parent, I get a monthly check for 142 $ (more or less, all the values have been calculeted from polish zloty into US dollars). Other then that, I get 60 $ a month from my grandfather. I'm not working now, but I'll start to any day. A minimum monthly wage is around 200 $, while the average wage is around 300-500 $. Student scholarships give you an extra 200 $ at best (I don't have one). I get by with this money, though hardly. Lucky for me, I don't have to pey rent for my apartment, as I'm sure I couldn't keep it up.
As far as the costs go, an average apartment in Warsaw will cost you anything from 300-500 $. The minimum amount of money I spend on food each day is around 5 $, though if I try, I can go on for less. I have a car running on LPG gas, which means that I can do 300 kilometres for around 17 $. Still, I hardly keep up with the maintanance costs. I had a mobile (monthly cost around 30 $) Keep in mind, though, that I'm a univeristy student, which means I'm in the poorest part of the society, as I spend most of my days studying, most of my nights drinking, and most of my mornings wondering where to get some money for the next meal.
To keep things into perspective: a meal in McDonalds costs around 3$. A large Pizza at Pizza Hut costs around 9$. A liter of fuel costs around a 1$. A cinema ticket costs around 2$. A new PS 2 game costs around 60$.
I'm sure I could live very comfortably in Warsaw for around a 1000 $ a month.