Need advice for potential 3some
Alright, here's the deal... Today I showed up at a bar, about a half hour earlier than my friend. I got in on a pool game with two chicks, no problem. So my friend arrives and we play girls vs boys. One chick is really tall, about 6'2", and kinda thick; we'll call her Kate. The other chick is shorter with really cool eyes, not as thick with big tits; we'll call her Melissa. We play pool, girls vs boys. My friend, who is from here out known as Jason, wins the game. I take a leak, next game, when I get back I am informed, is me and Melissa vs Kate and Jason. After a long a drawn out game, Melissa and I finally win; I sink the 8. Then she proposes darts. We play, and she mentions that they go to a bar that I also occassionally go to. Kate offers Jason her phone number, and I say that we should meet up later at the Flying Saucer (the bar we both go to sometimes.) Melissa, after considering Kate and her schedule, says we should meet back at the bar we are at on Saturday, and then go to the other bar. Jason informs me, after they leave, that he has to work on Saturday night.
My question is this; what do I need to do on Saturday night to further my potential chances of getting them to both go home with me for a hopeful menage a trios? They have been friends for a while, and I'm sure Jason won't hold it against me if I do happen to get them both in a night.
I plan, if we do even happen to meet up, to play it cool and try, over the course of the night, to drop subtle and not so subtle hints as to my motives. If all else fails I would settle for either one of them.
Anyway, any advice would be helpful. Especially from someone who is good at this sort of thing.