There's nothing I'm doing that's completely a secret from everyone - even when we were fooling around with D&S, my mom, my sister and a couple of close friends know about it. Not to mention everyoen at Tilted. I find that even my bisexuality is creeping out around people I'm not officially "out" to - I'll watch movies with my male friends and comment on how hot a woman in the film is, I have pinup girl magnets on my fridge, etc. I am painfully uncomfortable with secrets and lies, and seek to be as transparent as possible. On the other hand, there are things that are fun to keep secret, like walking around wearing no underpants. But for the most part, there's not much of my life that I'm ashamed of and would actively seek to hide. The polyamory I don't know that we need to share with everyone because few people would understand it, and with D&S it was a matter of keeping things hidden because they're both teachers.
I do keep secret from most people that I was a cheerleader in junior high, and that I once won a beauty contest. But that cat's out of the bag, now, too.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France