Originally Posted by zen_tom
Religion will stand up under any kind of pressure, if it didn't, it would have died out long ago.
i think the compliment might be a touch backhanded, but i think it's apt nonetheless.
as noted in another thread, most of the mainline demoninations in America teach a stance on creation that is compatible with (though often not outright endorsing) evolution. I give official acroymns, and the name that's commonly used. That said, not all Lutherans, etc...would follow that. Missouiri/Wisconsin Synods, for example. But, this is a pretty striking majority.
ELCA (Lutheran), PCUSA (Presybeterian), RCC (Catholic), UCC, LDS (Mormon), DoC (Disiples), UMC (Methodist), Greek Orthodox, and mine...American Baptist.
As a Baptist, in training for ministry, i personally see no conflict between extra terrestrial life or proof of evolution and my faith.