Crushes on others while with a SO?
OK, I was watching The View this morning, and they were talking about Desperate Housewives episode last night. The guy on the show saw their maid naked, got excited, then went upstairs and had sex with his wife. So the MAID turned him on and so he had sex with his WIFE. The wife found out about how he saw the maid naked, and how that turned him on, and told her husband "we are always able to tell eachother when we have crushes on other people" WTF? Do you and your SO tell eachother when you have a crush (or a sexual feeling for another person besides them) on someone else? I dont get crushes or sexual feelings for others, but i guess a lot of people do, but if I did and I told my SO, he would be PISSED!! Just wondering what your guys thoughts on this is.