Mad_Gecko... It is due out in July / August time frame, with 6 new multi maps, and 4 from the original. All new levels, some new guns... It will be a stand alone disk for $29.95 they are saying. I am getting beat on Recon, basically bought it on Nov 15th when it came out and spent COUNTLESS hours online.. Got my moneys worth that is for sure!!!!!!!!
I applied for the Beta and got hooked up. Not sure what turned them on me, but it allowed me to secure my Tag before the masses hooked on.
I think they put together a launch list of games, but none of the game manufacturers wanted to spend a ton of money on Live Programming if it failed. There is a rumor that Halo 2 was delayed because they didn't plan on having to program Live content. Just a rumor...
Take Off Eh!