My SO of 4 years and I are planning on moving in together this summer. No, we aren't getting married yet, we're waiting on that. Most of our friends are very supportive of our decision, and so is my mother. I am not asking for criticism (as if you ladies would do that!) but I am asking for you to share your stories for encouragement, tricks and tips on moving and the essentials that no one thinks to buy.
I am so excited! We sat down one night and made a list of the things we'll need, and it was really long, but we have 6 months to gather it all. We already have dishes, cups, livingroom furniture, and a TV.
We realize that this is a big step, but so far all of the signs have been positive. Our storage unit number, randomly selected, is our anniversary. So far, the most expensive purchases have been donated.
I just wanted to share my happiness and excitement with you all!