thanks for all the great relies guys, i appreciate it.
the whole situation is this.
i was out of town visiting family.
her ex came into town and made plans to take her out to dinner and catch up. but then later on his boys wanted to chase skirts at the club and he was double booked, so i guess he wanted to kill to birds with one stone.
i trust her. i trust that nothing will happen. but i can't stand by and let this guy attempt anything-i find it disrespectful. she can have coffee, have dinner, etc..... with him, i'm cool. but no dancing and no drinking, i think it's inappropriate.
i have ex-gfs who are now with other guys. even though we've moved on, i think it's easy to fall back into things again so i leave them alone. i don't want to cause probs for them and their current bfs.
like i said, coffee and dinner is cool. no prob with them being friends. but grinding on the dance floor and drinking? i say no.
she thinks that it's not wrong, but will try to refrain for my sake. but i wanted to ask u guys and get ur take.
thanks again