Ahhhhhhh man, I get kinda worried about asking this kind of stuff. I know it leads onto better things, but shes not all that open to me. I've been down on her a few times and been successful at each attempt, but with no help from her. She just doesn't seem too communicative when it comes to helping me in bed. Maybe I just need to break the ice and be straightforward. Maybe shes bursting inside to tell me different and just needs a bit of help telling me? Looks like I'll just have to ask her the next time we are together in that situation.
As for the changing of condoms snowowl, I do regret not using one. I mean, I knew she was on the pill; but I read everywhere to use condoms even if you've known the person for a long while sexually. That's another thing that I will probably have to talk to her about.
Thanks again everyone, I'll report back after tonight hopefully! :D