That's interesting - for me I only see two alternatives; Spiritual beliefs (i.e. where one's self or soul can exist outside of and separate to the body - sometimes called an afterlife) and non spiritual beliefs (where one's self is the body and there is no afterlife)
I don't really see much difference between the various flavours of spiritualism, whether they are Eastern, Western, Arabic, New Age, Science Fiction, whatever, they are all variations on the same theme.
I'm already on the non spiritualist path, so the only other option to my mind is to take the spiritualistic one - which one of those I choose doesn't really seem to make much difference to me.
The second aspect of my belief concerns authority. You can either believe that authority exists, or that it is an illusion. Since I believe that there is no such thing as a higher authority, or any authority of any kind - I'd have to choose a belief system that did.
It looks like I'd have to become a Catholic.