Originally Posted by whocarz
Except the slow acting poison was the biggest plot hole in the movie. The guy worked at a fucking hospital. He KNEW he was poisoned. All he would have had to do was said "Hey, I'm poisoned," then they run some tests on him, find out what the poison is, and give him the antidote.
Good point. Also, this would seem to be especially true if he knew the Saw killer was locked in the room with the other men. Had he known that, then there would be nothing to threaten him into playing the game, as the consequence was locked away, and he had the key, literally.
Of all the characters in the movie, Zeb seems like the one that is most "free" and able to get out of his situation, and not play the game, without consequence. I totally forgot that he worked in a hospital and that if anyone else had the anti-dote, they would.