the traditional woman
Sorry if this is sexist and if this has been discussed, but I find that I really believe in the "traditiional woman."
by this i mean that i like girls that are nice, can cook, can sew, wears conservative clothes (especially dresses), doesn't swear, and so on and so on.
I always come across girls who I tell not to curse and then they point out that guys do and I pretty much say that he's a guy it's not as bad. It's not much that I want all girls to be like this, but in terms of girls i would ever be interested in they would have to follow these rules. I tell them this to, I believe girls should be like this, if you don't agree then you shouldn't care what i think.
Dont get me wrong or anything I don't believe women shouldn't have any rights or anything like that, but in terms of these things I do hold the traditional belief.
So i'm just wondering are there a lot of guys out there that hold these beliefs, also are there girls that think i'm just a plain old jerk?