this is a really interesting topic to me...i have long had issues with touch...i really appriciate when friends will break that boundary with me and show some intimacy...but i almost never do so myself.
i've come to think that its a good and proper thing to learn how to be more in contact with friends in general...which takes some of the pressure off it.
just because a person touches you, doesn't mean they want to hook up. just because you want to be close to someone, doesn't mean you have to worry about all the implicatations.
its a great way to build intimacy, friendly or otherwise, and it's all about the commuication that it does. if you touch someone just to touch's probably not so hot. but when you can be in communication by how you are in contact...that's the whole name of the game.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16