Originally Posted by Jim Kata
I'm still a bit fuzzy on this movie too....
My only question was .... why was Zeb involved. He seemed to be really cool at the hospital stating that Jigsaw was a really interesting guy and that he had a name and what not. I don't see why Jigsaw set him up. Any ideas on that?
It's a good question, and in fact, I'm wondering if Zeb could have been "in on it" with Jigsaw.
For instance, Zeb is literally the key to Jigsaw getting out of the "cell" the others are locked in. Furthermore, there is no one to keep Zeb "in check." By that I mean, that if he just decides not to play the game, there would be no consequence, as Jigsaw would be locked in with the others, permanently.
Granted, Zeb may not know this, but while the others had clear and distinct things or people threatening their lives if they didn't "play," Jeb seemed to have nothing.. And therefore, I am wondering if it's possible that he may have been in on it with Jigsaw.
Furthermore, Jeb and Jigsaw likely talked while at the hospital, and this would reinforce the argument that Jigsaw would hold no grudge against him, and thus want him to be a victim in one of his games. Jigsaw seemed to pick his victims very carefully, and I think that he and Jeb generally seemed to have nothing against one another, and if anything, Jeb seemed to be a good influence on Jigsaw, because he did in fact state that he did have a name, and thus wasn't a nobody.
This movie was/is incredible. It is so "complete" despite my efforts to find gaps in the plot, and the only thing I can still come up to with this day is the photograph of Jeb looking out the window, and how Jigsaw got the exact same photo that the discharged officer took with his video equipment.
EDIT: I just realized that Jeb may have had the slow acting poision in his body.. But I forget if he did or not.. If he did in fact have a slow acting poison in his body, then my entire argument/point above is discredited, because that would be the thing that kept him both forced and motivated to "play" the game.