this one is tough because individuals are so different. personally i don't like people i don't know very well touching me. i don't even want strange people standing too close to me. i really like my space i guess! but after i'm comfy with someone, i'm very touchy.
i'd say the best guideline is letting her touch you first. but if done right, you could prolly get away with being first. a really light touch to guide her into a building or room is familiar without being sexual (provided you keep it light and don't linger too long). holding her arm while looking at her watch is another option--just don't grab cause that may freak her out. i like when my bf tucks a stray hair behind my ear when we're talking, you could easily turn that move into a touch on the cheek or side of the neck. if you're sitting next to her, a slight lean of your leg against hers is subtle but familiar. i dunno, so much of it is situational! under the right circumstances almost any kind of touch is possible.