Originally Posted by 777
First, I'm not sure at what point to ask for their number after first meet her.
Pay attention, you'll get a sign, that she wants to continue the conversation and get to know you better -- a lot of times, she'll play with her hair, or lean into you a little more when she's talking to you, the laugh changes. Building off of Will's idea -- pick up a book on Body Language-- and for starters, watch people and pay attention to what they are doing -- it's really quite fascinating... soon you will be able to see how people are reacting to you.
Originally Posted by 777
Second, should I ask if they have a boyfriend? I've had mixed results asking, and when not asking, it winds up being the last thing she says to me. And third, I guess this is just bad luck on my part, but the last 8 gals I've either been interested in and/or hit on have already had boyfriends. I remember one gal said the times she's hit on the most is wwen she's already taken.
Here's a potential problem... We're assuming you are in a bookstore, because that's a cool people meeting, people watching place... Not all girls are there to be "picked up" you have to watch the signals. Not all girls want to be hit on, they want an easy conversation and see where it goes from there (but that could be an age thing - sometimes I just want conversation) but conversation isn't bad - if you are enjoying talking to someone -- nothing wrong with gaining a new friend - Desperateness to get laid or desperateness for a girlfriend is easy to spot and is a huge turn off...

Just relax and take it easy...