Jealousy/suspicion isn't always a bad thing - it's a natural emotional reaction to your surroundings. Sometimes, it's due to emotional immaturity/baggage on your part, sometimes your significant other is behaving in ways that you would have to be a labatomized crank addict to be ok with. Look inside yourself and ask the question "Have I had good reason to feel this way?" - in this case, given the information you provided, the answer is
hell yes. Maybe the tape wasn't the best idea, but frankly it sounds like y'all should have cut this thing long ago. As others have said, that whole business with the *special* friend just isn't acceptable. If you want to have some real fun, call his wife and meet for coffee. I would think she might be interested to know that her husband "wants" your should-be ex-fiancee. I've had girlfriends put me in similar positions, perhaps not as severe on-the-whole, and the fact is that if you love someone, you won't put them in positions where they feel emotionally vulnerable. I'm not saying that you might not have character flaws / things to work on that have contributed to the situation, but her reaction to it is not justifiable. If y'all are truly separated, then physically separate, and as someone above said, I wouldn't suggest giving her the $8k severance package. If it'll make you feel better, I'll set up a PayPal account and you can give to me