This is all so preliminary. I don't believe concept, I believe reality.
What concerns me the most is, with all these little doo-hickeys, and nick-nacks they're putting on it, will it;
a) Have a battery life of, oh, 10 minutes?
b) Be so massive and clunky, you'll need an attachement to play it?
And, of course, no system is complete without games. I don't care if this thing can launch a shopping cart to the moon. If it doesn't have anything worth playing, I ain't buying.
And I seriously doubt Nintendo will be trembling in their boots. They'd be more likley to be annoyed that they don't have complete market dominance. And even if they lose their first rank standing, they'll still be making millions of dollars off the GameBoy. Somehow, I doubt that's a reason for concern.
"A witty saying proves nothing"
- Voltaire
Last edited by Quadraton; 05-14-2003 at 07:24 AM..