Movie: Saw related question.. The one thing that doesn't "fit" for me. (Spoilers)
I thoroughly enjoyed Saw and am really impressed by how "complete" and well written it is. I've spent a lot of time trying to find gaps in the movie's plot, and for the most part, I've been unsuccessful; this is definitely a good thing, and I commend the writer for creating such a complex, but also complete story.
The one thing that sticks out for me, and that I am unable to "figure out," is how did the Saw killer get a picture of Zep (the orderly that held the mother and daughter hostage) looking out the window?
I know the discharged police officer ("crazy" and always monitoring the doctor's house), took video footage identical to the pitcure of Zep looking out through the curtains of the doctor's house, but how did the Saw killer get the picture he gave to Adam (the younger of the two chained men)?
The still photo is identical to that of the video footage the officer views with his camera, but I am unable to find a way that the Saw killer would capture an exact photo of Zep's head peeping out from the curtains.
Does anyone understand how the Saw killer obtained this photograph, and if you do, could you please explain it for me?
That is the one aspect of the movie that doesn't "fit" for me, and while it's very minor and seemingly insignifcant, the movie is so complete that it stands out regardless.
Furthermore, if there is nothing explaining how the Saw killer obtained the photograph, why was it included? Was it required so that the doctor would know who was holding his family hostage, and thus become outraged at Zep (the orderly that worked at his office)? I assume yes, but if there is no connection, I'm wondering why one wasn't made, because the rest of the movie is so complete and well thought out; every angle seemingly covered.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.
Last edited by Jimellow; 12-31-2004 at 10:18 AM..