Thanks for the response, the point I was trying to make was actually slightly different. That to say something is good requires first of all knowing what good is - that is, being able to distinguish good from evil. If we're working in a Chirstian conception one might understand the myth of the fall as man's taking or gaining this ability.
But the question of the good raises are far more difficult question. Namely that of evil. If God is good, for whatever reason, then what is the explination for evil. While there are numerous, the ones that are most common either blame man or blame God, depending on if the answer comes from and atheist or a believer.
Another 'theory', or perhaps theological idea, is that evil arrises through freedom, but not freedom in the sense of the freedom to choose good or evil. Freedom in a sense that is outside of God. Where man is in some sense a combination of the divine and what might be termed meonic freedom.
Anyways this thread isn't about good and evil, I only wanted to point out that what people usualy say about this, that, or God being good or evil, are usually comments that fail to first tackle the entire problem of good and evil.
Why I wanted to say all that, is only that I don't think God is good because it is better to be good than evil. In whatever sense our understanding of "good" actually relates to some 'true' "good" I certainly agree that it God is good.