take the 20,532 to other dealerships an see what they do. if he's offering it below invoice 1) there are probably some factory incentives / bonuses 2) other dealerships can match it if they want to. visit a few maybe 4 or 5 (there are usually a lot of honda dealerships). these are the tactics i used:
1) try to get a sales manager, not the guys that hover around the lot. The guys roaming the lot are usually go betweens without the power to make deals.
2) be ready to buy that day. it helps a lot when you can say, "if you give me this price, i'll buy the car right now..."
3) play the dealers against each other. i took a number to one, but told him I had an appt at another. now way you can say "you have 30 mins and i'm out of here." when/if he beats your're number (usually to keep you from going to another dealership) leave and if his price is the absolute best, you know where to go.
4) i don't think accords are in short supply. a dealer will pressure you buy telling you that a) he can't promise the same deal tomorrow b) the car will probably be gone
a) almost always not the case b) most dealers carry a limited stock and either drive them from another dealership or a main lot/port
5) if financing finalize the price before working payments. its never good to say, "i want low payments more than anything." you don't want low payment if the term is rediculous...
6) collect cards, and drop names when you can. makes them think you're serious