Originally Posted by ObieX
They should have turned the land back over to Ireland a long long time ago imo. All this violence would end and the Irish there can put down their weapons and return to their pubs. The brits have pulled out of a huge percent of their previous colonial lands/ conquered lands. Give the Irish back their own island and destiny is all im sayin.
But the majority of people who live in Northern Ireland dont want to be Irish.
The moral argument, that ireland belongs to the Irish, is fine. I agree that all of Ireland belongs to the Irish, to exactly the same degree that Texas belongs to the state of Mexico. Both are base on undeniable historical crimes. But the fact is most people in Ulster think of themselves and wish to be British and most people in Texas think of themselves and wish to be American. We have to deal with the politics of the real situation and the fact that the people who are there do not want to become party of the nation their land historicallty belonged to.