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Old 12-24-2004, 12:38 PM   #24 (permalink)
Location: Wherever I am!
Originally Posted by silent_jay
I have found myself face down on the ice many times after being blind-sided.
I meant blindsided with a punch from behind, not because you had your head down looking at the puck!

Yeah, I think Moore should have expected something, but nobody ever expected this! Bertuzzi crossed a big line not just a fine line. Yes the NHL encourages agression and a bit of fighting but there are unwritten rules to these, if you don't play you don't understand. There has been many a time I wanted to go after someone, but I always do it in the context of the game. I hammer someone into the corner, I might cross check them, give em a slash, etc. but never do you just skate after someone and clock 'em.

If you read back in some of the accounts Moore did not even want to be out there at the time. He asked to not play anymore as they had already taken 3-4 runs at him. But Granato did not want his star players out there in case something happened. In some respects the coaches had a hand in this assault as well.

I also think his sentence while maybe being right as in no jail time, was a little light overall. C'mon 80 hrs of community service? I've seen shoplifters get more than that! As for Bertuzzi not being able to play in a game in which Moore is in for the next year? Its' not like Moore is going to be playing next year with his injuries, and hell the NHL might not be playing next year with the way the non-negotiations are going!!!
If ignorance is bliss, then wipe this smile off my face!
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