Although I look perfect (being a man and all)...
Over the years, the "perfect" body has changed dramatically, for males *and* females - the female perfection is just more obvious and accentuated. In very (very) ancient times, stone-age and such, big women with huge hips were perfect. In ancient Egypt, people were supposed to be bald (men and women), and wore wigs and loads of make-up. In Greece, men and women had to look muscular/athletic. In medieval times, big women came back into the picture, preferably as white as possible. Today, women are supposed to look like a Barbie-doll.
As for men: one need only look at our movie heroes to see how the perfect male changes from one moment to the other - remember the olde Hulk movies? Remember Fred Astaire and his kin? Sylvester Stalone compared to Matt Damon or Leonardo DiCaprio? The hairy chest of old compared to today's fashion models?
This whole thing isn't just historical, it's also cultural: African-Americans are said to find bigger women (with bigger butts) attractive. In Africa itself, bigger women are also more attractive.
It's got everything to do with the environment: if populations are small, women have to be able to get kids (-> large hips). If populations are generally starving, women who are well-fed are better, because they're apparently rich (-> fat). If populations have to work hard, women who do not work are rich (-> white skin). In populations with a lot of wars and contests, women that reflect that are attractive (-> athletic).
Now, how does today's Barbie-doll perfection fit in? We're all rich, which makes fat people less attractive; we're no longer that interested in kids, making large hips more irrelevant; in our free time, we spend time on the beach, making tanned people attractive, instead of white ones... We have to make up other criteria, and with our interest in sex as a normal, healthy thing, it is no surprise that women that accentuate their sexual side would be more attractive; hence the big boobs, big lips, long hair, narrow waist, and sexy clothing.
But that's just my interpretation.