I despised this movie more than i possibly imagined. The script was horrible. The basic story was basically the second one with changes and all the good bits left out. What happened to anything in the previous movies? Where are the Vampire Elders? What the hell is going on? Why is Blade now a rapper? "Kill you muthafucker? I'll kill you too Mothafucker, I'll just enjoy it more".... Why was there a Shower scene that showed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING AND CONTRIBUTED NOTHING TO THE PLOT OR FILM??? Why do none of the story elements tie together at all? Why does Blade keep up the hunt if the virus they released is supposed to kill all the vampires? Why does Drake turn into Blade AFTER HE IS ALREADY DEAD?!?!
/end Rant
Sorry, I didn't expect much from that movie, I really didnt. I expected to have fun and watch and enjoyable action movie... So much for that... The script was bad even for an Action movie. The acting in a few cases was horrendously bad, the plot and story were bad, and the crappy wrestling fight with Triple H? Come on! If I wanted to watch wrestling I would have turned on the TV.. I want sword fights and martial arts and gunfights.
The only redeeming portions of the movie were the Pomeranian and Ryan Reynolds line to Parker Posie: "You Cock-Juggling Thunder Cunt!"
I give it 5/10
You did what with a duck?